She turned around and surveyed the speaker, her eyes rising from his gleaming silver buckle of his pants, to his glazed-over grey eyes, to her, the smile seemed friendly enough. 'Excuse me, dear, would you be interested in some sweets, I noticed how skinny you were from behind, and I know how you children now-a-days love your sweets' I meekly shot out, my heart racing so fast I could hear it in my eardrums When all was clear, and the walkway was desterted from idling children, speaking to friends or making plans for the weekend, I strolled casually out, my heart beating fast, faster, fastest, as I approached her I mentally prepared both my enticement and my lines. I watched out the window, waiting for her to walk a fair bit, enough behind her sister so it wouldn't arouse suspicion.

Oh how glad Destiny will be, and how glad I will be, if my plan comes to fruition, I assure myself she will have a wonderful time with me. It was time, I only had to wait a bit, I heard the bell ring, all the students filed out, glad it was the weekend. I prepared myself as best as possible, showering, shaving, and putting on my 'innocent of all sins' expression, so very popular with the mothers I often struck up a conversation with. Her pug-ugly sister used to walk home with friends, and she was left to walk home alone, a foolish thing on the parents and sisters part, but oh JOY, it was paradise for me to think of her, alone, unprotected and perhaps vulnerable, walking home. I knew that the tried and true 'candy from strangers' plot might work, so on a Friday I gave it a try. And so, gradually, day by day, I plotted out the way to seduce, and if needs be, kidnap, my Lolita. I knew that for her, I would not be able to resist. Me, I prefer the skinny, innocent ones, clear from blemishes or freckles. Whenever I think of that girl I grow limp, flaccid, for she is so unnatractive to me. Squashed in pug nose, a little chubby around the edges, and freckles spattered all over her face. She was energetic, that much I could see, how she ran and played with her older sister, her sister I had no interest in, she was, to be quite frank, the ugliest little girl I've ever seen. How I longed to lick that little arse out, to taste her, and to indulge in the beauty that is Lolitas. Her long, silky black hair flowing down her back, down to her taut little arse. Fresh out of Preschool, she arrived on the scene, blowing all the other Lolitas out of the water. I knew that I wouldn't be for very long but I tried hard to focus on the here and now, and focus on the good things with staying far away but being near.Īnd so, it started. Lunch-times are the best for me, to see their skirts fly up as they play out in the sun, playing netball and softball, basketball sometimes too. I sit at my window at the start of each day, my now withered penis in my hand, a box of man-sized tissues next to me, masturbating so hard it causes friction burns on the bad days, the days when all the little lolitas frolick and play outside. Hiding little scratches and scabs I yearn to lick and chew off, swallow it like a world class meal. It all began at the start of the school year, my house is near the local primary school, and that to me is a prime spot for my little perversions, ah to see the Lolitas everyday is wonderful, short skirts, tight polo shirts stretched across their little growing buds that they sadly would be calling breasts one day, the knee high socks wrapped around their thin, nobbly knees.
My tale is what the police forced me write, not a letter of apology, but a full account with my sexual encounter with little Destiny. If only they were to look into my mind, beneath my sparkling, clear grey eyes they would see what I really am. She was 7, a delectable age for a person like me, I use the word person lightly, I am nothing but a sadistic beast, in my mind, in the minds of others I am but a gentle old man. Two souls destined to meet, or so I thought at least.